Social Work
Social work is the profession dedicated to enhancing human well-being and ending social injustice. Social workers are focused on alleviating poverty, challenging oppression, and empowering disenfranchised people. The Manchester College Social Work Program is a baccalaureate program preparing competent, effective social work professionals who are committed to generalist practice. The program has been fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education since 1978.
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Sociology is the study of how people are influenced, shaped, directed, constrained or empowered by relationships and social groups. And how, over time, people change. Students who want to know why … those are the ones who feel at home studying sociology and who will do well at Manchester. Sociology offers a distinctive academic perspective to students at Manchester College.
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Psychology is the science of the mind and behavior. Manchester College offers the baccalaureate degree in psychology, preparing students for graduate study or a variety of career opportunities. The curriculum concentrates on the normal course of human development. Courses emphasize the impact of environmental context on the behavior of individuals.
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Manchester College's major in exercise and sport sciences prepares students for careers as athletic trainers, coaches, fitness and exercise leaders, physical therapists, sport managers, teachers, and youth sport and recreation leaders. Our graduates are service oriented and strive to continue professional development throughout their lives. Each of our programs emphasize the importance of fitness as it relates to the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. Students may choose majors in athletic training, exercise science or fitness and sport management. Our physical education teacher education (PETE) program offers K-12 teacher certifications in adapted physical education, health and physical education and physical education. Students across campus can minor in athletic training, physical education or coaching.
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