
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes approached from physiological, cognitive, behavioral, social and applied perspectives. Majors in Psychology receive training in the scientific approach as it has been applied to the study of such topics as: brain function, perception, learning, motivation, memory, development, social influence, attitudes, organizational behavior and mental disorders and treatments. Understanding how these topics have been investigated scientifically requires the development of critical thinking skills, quantitative reasoning skills, and speaking and writing abilities necessary to communicate research knowledge to others, as well as an appreciation for the ethical issues involved in dealing with colleagues, clients and subjects.
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Sociology & Anthropology foster a critical consciousness of how different cultures and social groups organize and make sense of their world. Majors explore the ways in which social interaction, social practices, culture and social structures promote solidarity, mark differences, legitimate power, create inequality, police deviance, maintain social order, promote resistance, and lead to movements for change. Majors discover the patterns, rules and logic that under gird criminal justice systems, gender and race relations, sexuality, family, work, law, medicine, religion, and the arts, as well as the cultural variability in these.
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Religious Studies
Religion has played, and continues to play, a central role in virtually all societies. It is intimately related to such key aspects of communities as the structure of political power, economic organization, class structures, conceptions of gender, marriage, work and war. In short, religion shapes both the institutional order and the thought and behavior of individuals who inhabit it. The study of religion, therefore, is basic to the liberal arts and helps prepare students for a variety of career paths, including journalism, law, business, education and work in philanthropic and religious institutions. The department offers a major and a minor in Religious Studies; it also offers a bridge major, which involves the combination of work in religion with courses in another or other fields.
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